K9 Solutions LTD
privet label Pro Native brand made in the USA.
Premium Healthy Food for All Dog Types.
Real and selected chicken as the primary ingredient and protein source.
Does not contain wheat, corn or soy (which are not digestible of dogs and make them susceptible to harmful bacteria).
Contains brown rice as an important source of fiber and vitamins which are found in the rice germ.
Optimal ratio between protein and fat, which keeps your dog`s weight and energy balanced.
Contains supplementary Omega-3 and Omega-6, which dogs cannot naturally synthesize therefore must receive.
Contains supplementary Glucosamine and Chondroitin which help maintain healthy and flexible joints. (Especially important for breeds prone to hip dysplasia. For example: German shepherd, Labrador, and many other large breeds.)
High digestibility of the food (400kc/100 gr).
Our K-9 Division is built by military trainers, officers with years of professional and operational experience.
We provide a full package that includes the following elements:
Operational dogs with or without handlers.
Professional consultation & establishment of K-9 Units.
Development and deployment of K-9 teams for different security purposes.
General equipment for the handler and special equipment for the K-9.
Our company specializes in supplying & training dogs for the following missions:
Counter terror & Attack
Explosive charges detection
Explosives and firearm detection
Drug detection
Search and rescue
Track and pursuit
All of our dogs must pass strict and tough qualifications and suitability tests.
Those which have qualified start our long & intensive training programme emphasizing the specific task-oriented training.
Only the best and most qualified dogs which pass all the training and meet all the requirements will become official Tactical K-9.
Our highly experienced trainers make sure that our dogs are provided with the specific abilities & skills to best perform their task. Each dog is trained for a specific task according to client`s demand.
Company Info
Basic Information |
Company Name: | K-9 Solutions LTD |
Business Type: |
Consultant Distributor/Wholesaler Manufacturer Private Label
Product/Services: | dry pet food,working dogs, |
Company Website URL: | TradeNews.html |